6. Awareness in Career Burnout

VOCATIONAL DEPRESSION ASSESSMENT Designed by Dr. Trudy Hu, 1/31/2014

Vocational Depression Signs


1. I feel tired.

2. I do not feel like going to work.

3. Any simple task becomes impossible to me.

Cognitive Capacity:

1. I simply can not focus.

2. I lost my motivation.

3. I have no goal.

Physical Capacity:

1. I feel restless and agitated.

2. I have lost (or gained) weight.

3. I do not sleep well.

3. I have lost sex drive.


1. I have lost interest in doing work-related activities that I used to enjoy.

2. I think about quitting my job.

3. I think about death.


More Questions:

§ Have you ever felt listless when you think about your work?

§ Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the to-do-list at work?

§ Have you ever felt restless in catching up new knowledge and new innovation?

§ Have you experienced mental fog and wish to escape?

§ Have you ever felt trapped by your job?

§ Have you doubted about your self-worth and the value of your job?

§ Have you felt insecure about your job security?

§ Do you feel anxious about the possibility of being layoff?

§ Do you feel unimportant or invisible at your workplace?

§ Do you feel bored (or lack of interest) in what you used to be good at?

§ Do you feel powerless to make an impact?

§ Do you feel exhausted for several days in a roll, even with good quality sleep?

§ Do you think that you are wasting your life to exchange for a paycheck?

§ Do you feel unappreciated by your supervisors/managers/co-workers?

§ Do you experience frustration in dealing with your supervisors/managers/co-workers?

§ Do you think that there is no career path or career future/promotion for you?

§ Do you think that there is no challenge, no stimulation, or no inspiration at work?

§ Do you think that you are a square peg in a round hole?

§ Do you feel stuck in a rut?

§ Do you think that your strengths and talents are not fully utilized?

§ Will you quit your job even if it means your income would be 50% less?